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Contact Your Family Doctor If You Believe You Have Tonsillitis

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Many people develop tonsillitis with various degrees of severity. If your symptoms are major, perhaps to the point that you're having difficulty breathing through your mouth, you'll want to visit an emergency room or urgent care center. Other people encounter symptoms that are on the milder side and may not require medical intervention at all. For others, it can be worthwhile to visit a family doctor to check out your tonsillitis. Depending on the severity of this condition, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help the issue clear up quickly. Here are some indicators that it's time to visit a doctor.

Throat Tenderness 

It's common for your throat to feel tender when you have tonsillitis. You might be especially aware of this discomfort when you swallow, drink, and talk. If the tenderness is extremely mild, it's probable that you have a minor case of tonsillitis that will likely go away on its own in a short amount of time. More noticeable tenderness, however, should compel you to call your local medical clinic to schedule a visit with your family doctor. This tenderness can be quite miserable to endure, so getting help is ideal.

Visible Redness

If you believe that you have tonsillitis, it can be a good idea to open your mouth wide and look in the mirror. You'll often be able to notice redness toward the back of your throat. If you have trouble seeing in your mouth, recruit a family member to help. It's useful to check the redness once you're aware of any symptoms, and then monitor it for a while. If the redness starts to decrease, your tonsillitis is going away on its own. However, if the area becomes noticeably redder, it's a sign that your condition is worse and that you should see your family doctor.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

While the above two issues will indicate that you're dealing with tonsillitis, another sign that you may encounter is a swelling of the lymph nodes in your neck. You'll be able to tell if these spots are swollen by touching them gently and without pressing on them too hard. Lymph nodes often get swollen when your body is battling an infection, and this is another indicator that your tonsillitis is serious enough that you should visit your family doctor. Contact the clinic, explain the symptoms you're facing, and the clinic will likely be able to get you in for a visit.
