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Treatments That Help Manage Your Multiple Sclerosis

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If you've been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, you're probably concerned about finding the right treatment for it. It's good to work with a multiple sclerosis doctor for a way to manage your symptoms that might include fatigue, bowel and bladder problems, vision disturbances, pain, depression, and difficulty walking. Here are some treatment options to explore with your doctor.

Physical Therapy

At some point in your disease, you may need to work with a physical therapist. Multiple sclerosis is often progressive, so your symptoms may get worse over the years. When you experience muscle weakness, physical therapy can help strengthen and stretch your muscles so you can maintain your mobility for as long as possible.

If you need to start using a mobility aid such as a cane or walker, a physical therapist can teach you how to use the device properly and safely. They can also help you adapt to other challenges such as feeding yourself and daily grooming.

Rehabilitation Therapies

Depending on your condition, you might need to take speech, occupational, or cognitive rehabilitation. Everyone with multiple sclerosis progresses through the disease in their own way. If your symptoms are mild, you may not need any special treatment, even when you have flares. However, if you have more severe symptoms, you might need rehabilitation therapies to help you adapt to working or doing things like speaking and swallowing.

Find And Avoid Triggers

The course of your disease may include periods of remission interrupted by flares of your symptoms. You may find your flares are worse when you're stressed. Heat could also make your symptoms appear temporarily.

If you know what causes you to feel worse, you can avoid the triggers when possible. For instance, rather than walk for exercise, you may need to work out in a pool or in an air-conditioned room. You might also want to try yoga or meditation to learn how to relieve stress.

Take Medications

There are many medications your doctor can choose from to treat multiple sclerosis. Some treat the disease, while others treat conditions that accompany multiple sclerosis, such as depression, pain, or muscle spasms. The medications that target multiple sclerosis work to slow the progression of the disease or prolong the remission phase. Medications can be given orally, by IV, or by injection.

You may only need medications when you have a relapse, or you may need to take medications for the long term. You may need to try a few different drugs until you find one that works well for your condition.

For more information, reach out to a company such as UBMD Physicians’ Group.
