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3 Things To Know About A Vitamin D Deficit

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If you visit a doctor annually for a checkup, the doctor might suggest running blood work. Doctors do this to check the levels of a lot of different things in your body, including your cholesterol and Vitamin D levels. If your doctor discovers that you have a Vitamin D deficit, he or she will prescribe you a supplement to take. If this is the first time you have ever had this type of deficit, it is important to know the following three things.

The Importance of Vitamin D in Your Body

Vitamin D is one of many vitamins your body needs to stay healthy and strong, and Vitamin D is particularly important for the health of your bones. Your bones need this vitamin, and this vitamin ensures that your body can absorb the calcium it takes in. Calcium, too, is vital for your bones. If you do not have a high enough Vitamin D level in your body, your bones could be at risk. Some of the risks include weakening of the bones and developing osteoporosis. If your bones are not strong enough, you also take the risk of breaking them easier if you ever fall or get in an accident of any kind.

The Causes of a Vitamin D Deficit

The first cause of a Vitamin D deficit is simply not getting enough of it. This vitamin is something you will find in certain foods, such as milk, tuna, and cheese. If you do not consume enough foods that have this vitamin, your body might be lacking in it. Secondly, Vitamin D is something your body can get from the sun. If you are not in the sun much, though, you might also end up with a deficit. There are also certain types of lifestyles and health issues that can also be the cause of a Vitamin D deficit.

Ways to Treat this Deficit

There are really only three ways to treat a Vitamin D deficit. The first is by changing your diet to one that is high in this vitamin. Secondly, you can treat it by spending more time in the sun. Finally, you can take a supplement to increase the levels in your body.

Treating any type of issue found from taking blood work is important, as treating it will help you prevent further health issues. If you would like to schedule an appointment for a checkup, contact a doctor in your area.
