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What To Do When Your Child Has A Fever

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One of the basic signs of illness is the fever. Any time your temperature is higher than normal, it's a sign that your immune system is working hard to fight an infection. When a child has a fever, parents can become worried about what might be causing the illness. If you child has a fever, here's what you should know about home care and seeking professional medical treatment. 

Mild Temperature Increases

Fevers vary in severity. If your child's fever is low grade, usually below 101 degrees Fahrenheit, then there is not an immediate reason for concern unless you child is a very young infant. Any fever in a baby that is a few weeks old should be assessed by a health care professional as soon as possible. 

However, of the low grade fever persists for longer than a day or two or if it does not go down with over-the-counter medications, you should see a doctor. 

High Temperature Increases

Higher fevers are more concerning for young children. If you notice that your child's fever is not going down or if it spikes quite high, take your child to urgent care. High fevers can sometimes cause seizures, and you want to make sure you have medical care in the event those occur. Keep in mind that sometimes high fevers are caused by viruses that cannot be treated with medications; you just have to let them run their course. But its still good to get a professional assessment to rule out bacterial infections that cause fevers. 

Signs of Trouble

A fever by itself could indicate a basic illness like a common cold. But when the fever is accompanied by other symptoms, those symptoms could indicate the need for medical care. For example, a high fever with a red sore throat should always be checked by a doctor, because this could be a sign of strep infection. Strep throat is treated with antibiotics, but if it is not treated, it can lead to very severe illnesses like rheumatic fever, which affect the heart tissue and the tissue around the joints. 

Other reasons to see a doctor when a fever is present is when the fever accompanies a rash, if your child complains of ear pain or acts like their ear is hurting, or if your child has chills and muscle aches (these are signs of the flu). For more information, contact an urgent care center near you.  Contact a clinic, like Alaska Urgent Care LLC, for more help.
