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How to Treat Bladder Stones With Urology Surgery

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If you have bladder stones, then you are probably going through a lot of discomfort. This condition is caused from a buildup of minerals that form into tiny stones. Common symptoms include blood in the urine, pain when urinating, pain in your lower stomach, takes longer to urinate and dark urine.

Bladder stones are caused from not completely emptying your bladder when urinating. Men over the age of 50 are most often affected by this condition. It is possible to pass the stones without treatment. However, some bladder stones require medication or urology surgery. If you choose to not get treatment, then it could lead to infections and other health complications.

Get an Open Cystostomy

Surgery is recommended when you are unable to pass the stones naturally. An open cystostomy is used to remove bladder stones in men with a large prostate. It is also used when the stones are very big. This surgical procedure is done by making a large incision in your stomach and bladder. The stones are moved through this incision.

What Are the Disadvantages?

There are disadvantages to every surgery. If you have an open cystostomy, then you should expect a longer recovery time. After the surgery, you can also experience a lot of pain. You also must use a catheter for a couple of days after surgery.  

Consider a Noninvasive Procedure

A transurethral cystolitholapaxyy is common procedure for removing bladder stones that does not require an incision. Your surgeon sticks a tube with a camera through your urethra. This tubes travel to your bladder. This camera helps to locate your stones.

After locating the stones, your surgeon will use something to break your stones into pieces. The stones are broken up using either ultrasound waves, lasers or a crushing device. The pieces are washed out of your bladder using fluids.

An antibiotic is given as a precaution because of a chance of you developing an infection during the procedure. There is also a chance of causing damage to your bladder.

Patients are usually schedule a follow-up appointment. During this visit, your doctor will check to make sure your bladder stones are gone. This is done using a CT scan or X-ray.

People with this condition must find a treatment that makes it easier to use the bathroom. If you go untreated, then you could develop other bladder problems. It is time make an appointment with an urologist such as Bollinger James R, M.P. so you can find relief.
