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At-Home Infant Care: 3 Q&As For New Parents

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You're having your first baby and you are scared to death. You've read all those self-help, expectant mother books and you've receive more than enough advice to last a lifetime from your friends, co-workers and relatives. While you may be confident in your abilities to be a good parent, it doesn't mean that you won't become confused as to what to do and how to properly take care of your infant. Here are a few questions that you may have after you get home:

What Color Should Your Baby's Poop Be?

While talking about your infant's bowel movements may not be the most comfortable topic, it is an important one. As a new parent, you may get disgusted at the sight and smell of your baby's poop. It's normal, and it's a part of life. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that various shades of yellow, green and brown are common. However, you should pay very special attention to bowel movements that are white, black or red. These colors could mean there is a problem that needs to be addressed by a health care physician.

How Do You Care for the Umbilical Stump?

For new parents, this is one of the scariest things to deal with. When the umbilical cord is cut after your baby is born, it leaves behind a stump. This stump dries and falls off on its own within five to 15 days of your infant's birth. The stump is the reason that you can't submerge your baby in a tub of water and why you should only sponge bathe your baby. The stump only needs a little bit of water to keep it clean, unless otherwise recommended by your doctor.

Make sure to watch for any yellow drainage, swelling or redness around the stump and the skin surrounding it, as these could be signs of an infection. If you notice that your baby is not eating well and has a fever of 100.4 or more, along with the aforementioned signs of an infections, contact your doctor immediately.

How Do You Cure Diaper Rash?

Diaper rash not only looks bad, but it feels bad. Although there are creams and ointments that can be purchased over-the-counter, some parents may prefer to stick to natural methods. In some cases, the baby could be allergic to the OTC products. Coconut oil is an excellent all-natural home remedy that can be used to help treat the rash on your baby's bottom. It is known for being effective at treating thrush, ringworm, yeast as well as other types of bacterial and fungal rashes. When using the coconut oil, make sure to use warm water to wash your baby's derriere, allow to air dry and then apply the oil.

If you have any questions or concerns, make sure to consult with a doctor at an infant care clinic.
